Sara Porter specializes in accompanying artists - working at all levels of experience - to explore new creative terrain. After decades of generating her own work across disciplines - dance, clown, improvisation, theatre, voice, music, academic and creative writing - Sara supports artists to bravely expand their palettes to both personalize and professionalize new stories and ideas. With a commitment to craft and trust in choreography, Sara brings a strong intellect, sharp eye and sense of humour to the studio. She has worked with award-winning artists in circus, opera, theatre, ballet, contemporary dance to guide creative exploration, expansion of ideas, and support the building of new modes of interdisciplinary art.

Contemporary collaboration ​
"The Lonely Child Project"
Award-winning contemporary opera & circus film & stage performance with
Stacie Dunlop
Angola Murdoch
Holly Treddenick

Holly Treddenick in
"In the Fire"
Contemporary circus story about having a firefighter as a father and living with risk.
A Femmes du Feu Production

Angola Murdoch in
"Twist of Fate"
Personal story about scoliosis and a life in circus
A Lookup Theatre Production

group work in Jordana Greenblatt's
"Lifting Belly"
Contemporary queer neurodivergent circus work based on Gertrude Stein's famous text

Jessie Huggett in
"Puff of Smoke​"
Performance about Jessie's experience being diagnosed with Moya Moya Syndrome and what it's like dancing as an artist with intellectual disability.

Stephen Levine in
"It Could Have Been Me!"
Working with octogenarian Stephen Levine to develop performance work about his life as an old Jewish man with a rich trove of memories.